The time of the year is upon us to be grateful and give thanks to those who bring meaning to our lives. Gratitude has a variety of definitions; to some it is a mindset, to others it is an action towards another human being. As I reflect on 2014 and plan for 2015, the common element I want to bring forward in not only my personal life, but also my professional life, is my daily attitude of gratitude. While focusing on gratitude for Thanksgiving Day brings us together as a country, I define gratitude as a daily mindset. By creating a list of things I am grateful for each morning, I am positioned to look toward each day with positivity, focus and a smile. It is a mindset I choose to have and will continue to have. With a heart and mind full of gratitude, the bumps in the road are smoother, opportunities shine brighter and I am in the best position to help others.
Often times it takes a life change to develop the daily ritual of starting each day with a thankful heart. Challenge yourself. The simple exercise of thinking of what you are grateful for each morning over a cup of coffee is very powerful. I began this daily exercise about a year ago and the transformation in my inward and outward positivity and strength is very apparent. I am grateful for every day. Clients gave me a beautiful platter with my new favorite quote, after solving a difficult situation for them, which I keep on my desk and adore.
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says “I’m possible”! – Audrey Hepburn
With being thankful every day I appreciate everything I have. And gratitude turns what we have into more than enough. Instead of being grateful one day a year, why not aim for every day?